There’s more to anchoring than just throwing out a big metal hook at the end of a line. There are actually several types of anchors (fluke, mushroom, plough, etc.) and you want to choose the right one for the type of boating you do and the bottom conditions that include rock, clay, grass, mud, sand, shoal and coral.
Talk to us about your boating environment and we’ll be happy to advise you on the proper anchor for your boat.
Also known as a Personal Flotation Device (PFD), life jackets or life vests are not only essential safety items for your boat, they’re required by law in all states although the specifics vary, and they must be U.S. Coast Guard approved.
Michigan law requires one PFD for every person on board and they must be the appropriate size for your passengers. They must be in serviceable condition and easily accessible. Children under age 6 must wear their PFD at all times when riding on board. There are several types of PFDs to choose from, including inherently buoyant or inflatable, and you’ll want to know how to select the appropriate style and sizes for your family members. Hall’s can help you decide which type of life jackets or vests will best suit your needs.
If you have a recreational power boat longer than 16’, federal law requires that your boat be equipped with some type of U.S. Coast Guard approved Visual Distress Signal (VDS). Among the most common are navigational flares. The three basic types include the handheld flare, the parachute or rocket flare, and the smoke canister.
Talk with our knowledgeable staff about any of these common flares to determine which type and how many you’ll need for safe boating and peace of mind.
These are only a few of the accessories that are available at Hall’s Sports Center. For an even bigger selection of any accessory you can think of, from deck chairs to dry bags to hydraulic jack plates, check our online catalog. Make your boating life easy, convenient, and fun with all the right equipment!